15 septembrie 2024
Programul intilnirii:
11:00 Sosirea oaspetilor
11:15 Bun venit din partea presedintelui AARD, Serban Cornea.
11:30 Cornel Ban, Associate Professor of International Political Economy at Copenhagen Business School – ‘Guns and Money: Why Europe is losing its industry and the decarbonization race'_pdf
12:15 Pranz (sandvisuri)
13:15 Amelia Rotaru, Professor in microbial physiology and biochemistry, University of Southern Denmark, ”Small but Mighty: The Crucial Role of Microorganisms in Sustainability”_pdf
14:00 Ada-Ioana Bunea – Associate professor at DTU Nanolab, “Miniaturized pH sensors fabricated by 4D printing”_ pdf
14:45 Socializare si networking cu cafea, racoritoare, vin si desert.
17:30 Incheierea programului
13 ianuarie 2024
Programul intilnirii:
14:00-14:15 Primire oaspeti
14:15-15:15 Adunare generala AARD
15:15-15:30 Pauza
15:30-16:15 Simpozion anual AARD
Dr. Raluca Stana: ”Technostress”
16:15-16:30 Pauza
16:30-17:00 Ceremonie de decernare a ordinului cultural in grad de cavaler Dlui Nicolae Matei
Imnul Romaniei: Trio Schifters
Decernare: Dl. Ambassador Anton Niculescu
Laudatio: Dna. Oana Ciofu, PDF Nicolae Matei, scriitor si traducåtor
17:00-17:15 Moment muzical cu trio Schifters
17:15-20:30: Socializare, inclusiv cina de tip buffet cu gustari reci.
Program / Schedule:
14:00-14:15 Primire participanti / Arrival & welcome
14:15-14:25 Introducere / Introduction - Dr. Oana Ciofu
14:25-15:00 The search for meaning: Romeo V. Turcan, PDF (Prof. at AAU Business School; https://vbn.aau.dk/en/persons/romeo-turcan)
15:00-15:30 The adaptation to climate change in the City of Copenhagen / Adaptarea climatica a orasului Copenhaga: Serban Cornea (Chief consultant in climate adaptation at the City of Copenhagen)
15:30-15:45 Pauza / Break
15:45-16.15 Is inflation here to stay? Cornel Ban (Assoc. Prof. at Copenhagen Business School)
16:15-18:15 Socializare la un pahar de vin (drikulavin.dk; moldovin.dk)
Dr. Anders Fomsgaard: ”E doar un virus”
Prezentarea a avut ca punct de plecare cartea sa cu acelasi nume, aparuta intr-o forma actualizata in editia a 2a in 2022. Dr. Fomsgaard a abordat in prelegerea sa caracteristicile principale ale virusurilor, impactul schimbarilor climatice si a globalizarii asupra pandemiilor precum si gandirea creativa a oamenilor de stiinta in lupta impotriva virusurilor.
Despre Dr. Fomsgaard s-a scris: "Prelegerile sale sunt incitante ca un thriller, înfricosatoare ca un horror, pline de divertisment ca un serial TV, amuzante ca o comedie, și nu în ultimul rând, cat se poate de relevante."
Dr. Anders Fomsgaard este medic sef al laboratorului de cercetare a virusurilor de la Statens Serum Institut, Copenhaga si un cercetator recunoscut pe plan mondial pentru contributiile sale in domeniul diagnosticului si tratamentului bolilor virale. Anders a jucat un rol important in controlul pandemiei de corona in Danemarca.
Dr. Anders Fomsgaard: "It's just a virus".
The presentation was based on his book of the same name, published in an updated form in the 2nd edition in 2022. In his lecture, Dr. Fomsgaard discussed the main characteristics of viruses, the impact of climate change and globalization on pandemics, as well as creative thinking of scientists in the fight against viruses.
About Dr. Fomsgaard it has been written: "His lectures are exciting like a thriller, scary like a horror, full of entertainment like a TV series, funny like a comedy, and last but not least, as relevant as possible."
Dr. Anders Fomsgaard is chief physician of the virus research laboratory at Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen and a researcher who is recognized worldwide for his contributions in the field of diagnosis and treatment of viral diseases. Anders played an important role in controlling the corona pandemic in Denmark.
Program / Schedule:
14:00-14:30 Primire participanti / Arrival & welcome
14:30-14:45 Introducere / Introduction - Dr. Oana Ciofu
14:45-15:00 Prezentare de carte ”Povesti calatoare” (Vol. I si II) autor Ciprian Apetrei / Introducing the books "Travelling stories" (Vol. I and II) by Ciprian Apetrei - Dna Carmen Liliana Mezei
15:00-15:45 "A construi comunitati sustenabile" / "Building sustainable communities" - Serban Cornea, Arhitect PDF
15:45-16:15 "Implanturi mici din sticle metalice masive?" / "Small implants made of bulk metallic glasses?" - Dr. Flaviu Gostin PDF
16:15-16:30 Pauza / Break
16:30-17:00 "Dezvoltarea de produse alimentare mai sanatoase cu ajutorul proceselor enzimatice" / "Designing healthier foods through enzymatic technology" - Dr. Alina Gostin PDF
17:00-17:30 "Interpretarea structurilor proteinelor prin intermediul computerelor" / "Making sense of protein structure with computers" - Dr. Octav Caldararu PDF
17:30 Socializare, inclusiv cina / Social dinner
Jurnalistii Thomas Ubbesen si Anne Haubek au prezentat impresii din calatoria lor in Europa de Est, inclusiv Romania, care au fost publicate in 2019 in cartea " Am fost poporul - întâlnirea cu est-europenii la 30 de ani după căderea Zidului " (Gyldendal 2019).
Thomas Ubbesen and Anne Haubek, journalists, presented impressions from their travels in Eastern Europe, Romania included, which were narrated in the book “We were the people – Meeting Eastern Europeans 30 Years after the fall of the Wall” published by Gyldendal in 2019.
Dl. Ambasador Alexandru Grådinar a prezentat proiectul pilot al platformei dedicate cooperărilor diasporei academice și de excelență cu mediile profesionale și instituționale din România, derulat în prezent în Germania la care AARD se va putea pe viitor, asocia.
Mr. Alexandru Grădinar, Romanian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark and the Republic of Iceland, presented the pilot project for a platform dedicated to the cooperation between the academic Romanian immigrants and the professional environments and institutions of Romania. The pilot project is currently ran by Germany and AARD could join the initiative in the near future.
Prezentari stiintifice / Scientific presentations:
Prezentari stiintifice / Scientific presentations
Prezentari stiintifice / Scientific presentations
Prezentari stiintifice / Scientific presentations
"Integrarea de eoliene offshore” / "Integrating Offshore Wind" - Nicolaos Cutululis, DTU Wind Energy
Prezentarea activitatii profesionale in Danemarca / Professional activity overview - Edmond Fita, Novo Nordisk
Prezentari stiintifice / Scientific presentations
"Sistemul universitar (invatamint si cercetare) in Japonia, Danemarca si Romania" / “The university system (education and research) in Japan, Denmark and Romania” - Eugen Stamate, DTU, Cercetator Principal / Senior Researcher, Plasma Aided Nanotechnology,
"Sistemul de subventii pentru agricultura in Danemarca" / ”The funding system for Danish agriculture” - Corina Panait Niclasen, Landsbrygsstyrelsen
Discutii pe tema aplicatiei pentru fonduri pentru stabilirea de cooperari cu asociatii si institutii din Romania / Discussions about applying for funding for establishing professional relations with associations and institutions from Romania.
Prezentari stiintifice / Scientific presentations
"100 de ani de relatii diplomatice Romania-Danemarca" / “100 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and Denmark” - Dl. Ambasador Alexandru Gradinar
"Activitate stiintifica si educationala in domeniul neurostiintelor in Danemarca si Romania" / “Scientific and teaching activities within the field of neurosciences in Denmark and Romania” - Mihai Moldovan, KU, Department of Neuroscience
Prezentarea activitatii Ligii studentilor romani din strainatate - filiala Danemarca si semnarea acordului de parteneriat dintre AARD si LSRD / Introducing the activity of the Romanian association of international students – Danish branch (LSRD), and signing the partnership agreement between AARD and LSRD - Laura Iftim
Prezentari stiintifice / Scientific presentations
"Cat de infinit e infinitul?" / "How infinite is the infinity?" - Horia Cornean, prof. Institut Matematicå Universitatea Aalborg
”Sistemul bibliotecar in Romania si Danemarca: similitudini si diferente” / ”The library system in Romania and Denmark: Similarities and differences” - Corina Panait Niclasen, Landsbrygsstyrelsen
“De ce este fizica plasmei importanta pentru noi?”/ “Why is plasma physics important for us?” - Eugen Stamate, DTU, Cercetator Principal / Senior Researcher, Plasma Aided Nanotechnology,
13 ianuarie 2024
Programul intilnirii:
14:00-14:15 Primire oaspeti
14:15-15:15 Adunare generala AARD
15:15-15:30 Pauza
15:30-16:15 Simpozion anual AARD
Dr. Raluca Stana: ”Technostress”
16:15-16:30 Pauza
16:30-17:00 Ceremonie de decernare a ordinului cultural in grad de cavaler Dlui Nicolae Matei
Imnul Romaniei: Trio Schifters
Decernare: Dl. Ambassador Anton Niculescu
Laudatio: Dna. Oana Ciofu, PDF Nicolae Matei, scriitor si traducåtor
17:00-17:15 Moment muzical cu trio Schifters
17:15-20:30: Socializare, inclusiv cina de tip buffet cu gustari reci.
Program / Schedule:
14:00-14:15 Primire participanti / Arrival & welcome
14:15-14:25 Introducere / Introduction - Dr. Oana Ciofu
14:25-15:00 The search for meaning: Romeo V. Turcan, PDF (Prof. at AAU Business School; https://vbn.aau.dk/en/persons/romeo-turcan)
15:00-15:30 The adaptation to climate change in the City of Copenhagen / Adaptarea climatica a orasului Copenhaga: Serban Cornea (Chief consultant in climate adaptation at the City of Copenhagen)
15:30-15:45 Pauza / Break
15:45-16.15 Is inflation here to stay? Cornel Ban (Assoc. Prof. at Copenhagen Business School)
16:15-18:15 Socializare la un pahar de vin (drikulavin.dk; moldovin.dk)
Dr. Anders Fomsgaard: ”E doar un virus”
Prezentarea a avut ca punct de plecare cartea sa cu acelasi nume, aparuta intr-o forma actualizata in editia a 2a in 2022. Dr. Fomsgaard a abordat in prelegerea sa caracteristicile principale ale virusurilor, impactul schimbarilor climatice si a globalizarii asupra pandemiilor precum si gandirea creativa a oamenilor de stiinta in lupta impotriva virusurilor.
Despre Dr. Fomsgaard s-a scris: "Prelegerile sale sunt incitante ca un thriller, înfricosatoare ca un horror, pline de divertisment ca un serial TV, amuzante ca o comedie, și nu în ultimul rând, cat se poate de relevante."
Dr. Anders Fomsgaard este medic sef al laboratorului de cercetare a virusurilor de la Statens Serum Institut, Copenhaga si un cercetator recunoscut pe plan mondial pentru contributiile sale in domeniul diagnosticului si tratamentului bolilor virale. Anders a jucat un rol important in controlul pandemiei de corona in Danemarca.
Dr. Anders Fomsgaard: "It's just a virus".
The presentation was based on his book of the same name, published in an updated form in the 2nd edition in 2022. In his lecture, Dr. Fomsgaard discussed the main characteristics of viruses, the impact of climate change and globalization on pandemics, as well as creative thinking of scientists in the fight against viruses.
About Dr. Fomsgaard it has been written: "His lectures are exciting like a thriller, scary like a horror, full of entertainment like a TV series, funny like a comedy, and last but not least, as relevant as possible."
Dr. Anders Fomsgaard is chief physician of the virus research laboratory at Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen and a researcher who is recognized worldwide for his contributions in the field of diagnosis and treatment of viral diseases. Anders played an important role in controlling the corona pandemic in Denmark.
Program / Schedule:
14:00-14:30 Primire participanti / Arrival & welcome
14:30-14:45 Introducere / Introduction - Dr. Oana Ciofu
14:45-15:00 Prezentare de carte ”Povesti calatoare” (Vol. I si II) autor Ciprian Apetrei / Introducing the books "Travelling stories" (Vol. I and II) by Ciprian Apetrei - Dna Carmen Liliana Mezei
15:00-15:45 "A construi comunitati sustenabile" / "Building sustainable communities" - Serban Cornea, Arhitect PDF
15:45-16:15 "Implanturi mici din sticle metalice masive?" / "Small implants made of bulk metallic glasses?" - Dr. Flaviu Gostin PDF
16:15-16:30 Pauza / Break
16:30-17:00 "Dezvoltarea de produse alimentare mai sanatoase cu ajutorul proceselor enzimatice" / "Designing healthier foods through enzymatic technology" - Dr. Alina Gostin PDF
17:00-17:30 "Interpretarea structurilor proteinelor prin intermediul computerelor" / "Making sense of protein structure with computers" - Dr. Octav Caldararu PDF
17:30 Socializare, inclusiv cina / Social dinner
Jurnalistii Thomas Ubbesen si Anne Haubek au prezentat impresii din calatoria lor in Europa de Est, inclusiv Romania, care au fost publicate in 2019 in cartea " Am fost poporul - întâlnirea cu est-europenii la 30 de ani după căderea Zidului " (Gyldendal 2019).
Thomas Ubbesen and Anne Haubek, journalists, presented impressions from their travels in Eastern Europe, Romania included, which were narrated in the book “We were the people – Meeting Eastern Europeans 30 Years after the fall of the Wall” published by Gyldendal in 2019.
Dl. Ambasador Alexandru Grådinar a prezentat proiectul pilot al platformei dedicate cooperărilor diasporei academice și de excelență cu mediile profesionale și instituționale din România, derulat în prezent în Germania la care AARD se va putea pe viitor, asocia.
Mr. Alexandru Grădinar, Romanian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark and the Republic of Iceland, presented the pilot project for a platform dedicated to the cooperation between the academic Romanian immigrants and the professional environments and institutions of Romania. The pilot project is currently ran by Germany and AARD could join the initiative in the near future.
Prezentari stiintifice / Scientific presentations:
Prezentari stiintifice / Scientific presentations
Prezentari stiintifice / Scientific presentations
Prezentari stiintifice / Scientific presentations
"Integrarea de eoliene offshore” / "Integrating Offshore Wind" - Nicolaos Cutululis, DTU Wind Energy
Prezentarea activitatii profesionale in Danemarca / Professional activity overview - Edmond Fita, Novo Nordisk
Prezentari stiintifice / Scientific presentations
"Sistemul universitar (invatamint si cercetare) in Japonia, Danemarca si Romania" / “The university system (education and research) in Japan, Denmark and Romania” - Eugen Stamate, DTU, Cercetator Principal / Senior Researcher, Plasma Aided Nanotechnology,
"Sistemul de subventii pentru agricultura in Danemarca" / ”The funding system for Danish agriculture” - Corina Panait Niclasen, Landsbrygsstyrelsen
Discutii pe tema aplicatiei pentru fonduri pentru stabilirea de cooperari cu asociatii si institutii din Romania / Discussions about applying for funding for establishing professional relations with associations and institutions from Romania.
Prezentari stiintifice / Scientific presentations
"100 de ani de relatii diplomatice Romania-Danemarca" / “100 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and Denmark” - Dl. Ambasador Alexandru Gradinar
"Activitate stiintifica si educationala in domeniul neurostiintelor in Danemarca si Romania" / “Scientific and teaching activities within the field of neurosciences in Denmark and Romania” - Mihai Moldovan, KU, Department of Neuroscience
Prezentarea activitatii Ligii studentilor romani din strainatate - filiala Danemarca si semnarea acordului de parteneriat dintre AARD si LSRD / Introducing the activity of the Romanian association of international students – Danish branch (LSRD), and signing the partnership agreement between AARD and LSRD - Laura Iftim
Prezentari stiintifice / Scientific presentations
"Cat de infinit e infinitul?" / "How infinite is the infinity?" - Horia Cornean, prof. Institut Matematicå Universitatea Aalborg
”Sistemul bibliotecar in Romania si Danemarca: similitudini si diferente” / ”The library system in Romania and Denmark: Similarities and differences” - Corina Panait Niclasen, Landsbrygsstyrelsen
“De ce este fizica plasmei importanta pentru noi?”/ “Why is plasma physics important for us?” - Eugen Stamate, DTU, Cercetator Principal / Senior Researcher, Plasma Aided Nanotechnology,
Asociaţia Academică Româno-Daneză
Bank: Danske Bank Regnr 9570 Kontonr 11935699
Website: www.akademisk-ro.dk
Email: ociofu@sund.ku.dk; adaibunea@gmail.com